Training & Development

Training & Development

HR Services of VEminent Global

Training & Development

Training and Development officers play an important role in their company’s HR Department. Being a leading Human Resource organization in India, we deliver high-quality learning and training solutions to corporations and professionals. Our features courses for IT, Consumer Services, HR, Finance, Education and operations is to give our client a finite edge. VEminent Global HR delivered their training program with cutting-edge technologies and methodology that equips with right skills, knowledge, and their career goals. Training & Development of VEminent Global HR services aimed at bettering the job performance of individuals and organization settings. We analyze your business requirements and customize your training interventions that suited to your unique needs.

Benefits of VEminent Global Training & Development Services

  • Increased Productivity
  • Less Supervision
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Skill Development

Our corporate training programs enable your business to a higher level and contribute more to your company bottom line. We always help you to assets your human resources. Our Training and development services in Noida will help you to generate higher revenues, experience a high level of management, motivation and job satisfaction, perform better under stress and much more.

Our Courses

We are the one Stop End to End Hr Services with the aim of supporting start-ups, SMEs & the HR at large Organisation.

PHP Training Course With Job Placement

PHP is a server side scripting language that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic website's or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for Personal Home Pages. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed. Many professionals in top companies prefer PHP for web application development. PHP is normally used over other languages for its above-mentioned benefits. PHP is also a low-cost web development tool and as a result, companies prefer it more.

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PHP is a good option for learning for the fresher and experienced candidates, especially those who have decided to take up full time IT industry career.

Course Duration : 50 Hours

Topics : Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
  • Introduction To HTML
  • Structure of HTML
  • Comments , Header Tags, Image Tag
  • Link Tags (Text & Image) Marquee Tag
  • List Tag (Ordered & Unordered) Table Tag
  • Form Tags
  • Audio , Video Tags
  • About Iframe
  • Embedding of Google Maps , You tube videos
  • BlockLevel and Inline Elements
  • DIV Tag
HTML5 New Tags
  • Header , Footer , Nav
  • Section , Article , Aside
  • New Form Elements
Style Sheet (CSS)
  • • Types of style sheet
  • • About CSS Selectors
  • • About CSS Properties
  • • Background Properties
  • • Box Properties
  • • Border Properties
  • • Positioning Properties
  • • CSS Menu Design
  • • CSS Animation
Bootstrap (Responsive Design)
  • • Introduction to Responsive Design
  • • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • • Bootstrap Grid System
  • • Grid Classes
  • • Equal Columns , Unequal Columns
  • • Layout Creation
PHP language building blocks
  • • Comparing PHP with other Web scripting languages or technology>
  • • Installation of PHP>
  • • PHP delimiters
  • • Variable initialization with PHP>
  • • PHP Data types
  • • PHP Constants
  • • PHP Operators
Conditional Statements
  • • If else
  • • If else if else
  • • Nested If
  • • Switch Case
  • • Jump Statements ( Break , Continue , Exit )
  • Looping (Iteration)
  • • For loop
  • • While loop
  • • Do while loop
  • • Nested Loop
  • Introducing ARRAY
  • • Numerically Indexed arrays
  • • Non-Numerically Indexed arrays (Associative Array)
  • • Multidimensional arrays
  • Manipulation user input
  • • Presenting the user with input options via different HTML form elements
  • • Retrieving form data with $_POST,$_GET and $_ REQUEST arrays
  • • Preserving Data in Form inputs
  • Reusing Code and Functions
  • • Introducing Functions
  • • Defining functions
  • • Using parameters
  • • Returning values
  • • Call By Value & Call By reference
  • • Reusing Codes
  • • Array , String , Math , Date functions
  • • Super Global Array Variables
  • JavaScript (JS)
  • • Introduction to JavaScript
  • • Variable , Operators , Conditions
  • • Looping and Array
  • • Introduction to functions
  • • Popup Boxes (Alert ,Confirm ,Prompt)
  • • Introduction to functions
  • • Form Handling
  • • DOM Manipulation
  • • Pre-defined functions
  • • Introduction to Objects
  • • What is property and methods
  • • String , Math , Navigator , Date , Array , Window Objects
  • • Introductions to object based technology
  • • Class , object , property , inheritance
  • • Client Side Validation
  • • Regular Expression
  • • ES 6 Introduction
  • • Let and Const
  • • Arrow Functions
  • • Modules
  • Introducing with the file system (file handling)
  • • Saving data for later using file system
  • • Opening a file Creating and Writing to a file
  • • Creating and Writing to a file
  • • Closing a file
  • • Reading from file
  • • Deleting a file
  • • Using other useful file functions
  • • Create a directory
  • • Remove a directory
  • File Uploading & Downloading
  • • File uploading Concepts
  • • Multiple File Upload
  • • Downloading file from server using header.
  • State Management
  • • Session, Cookie , Query String , Hidden Field
  • • What is Session?
  • • Understanding Basic Session Functionality
  • • Starting a Session
  • • Registering Session variables
  • • Using Session Variables
  • • Destroying the variables and Session
  • • What is a Cookie?
  • • Setting Cookies with PHP
  • • Using Cookies with Sessions
  • • Deleting Cookies Implementing Query String
  • MySQL Database
  • • Relational Database Concept and technology
  • • Web Database Design
  • • Web Database Architecture
  • • Creating a MySQL Database
  • • Creating Database Tables Column Data Types
  • • Implementing Insert/Delete/Update and select Query
  • • Aggregate Functions
  • • Having and Group By Clause
  • • Joining Table
  • • Implementing Primary key, Unique Key, Composite key, foreign key, default constraint etc.
  • • Joining Table
  • • Dropping Tables and Databases
  • • Introduction to PHPmyadmin
  • Database Connection
  • • Mysqli connectivity
  • • Procedural Connectivity
  • • Object Oriented Connectivity
  • • PDO (Php Data Object) Connectivity
  • Jquery with AJAX
  • • jQuery introduction
  • • jQuery Selectors , events , DOM , animations
  • • jQuery accordions, carousel, tab
  • • Ajax Implementation
  • • CRUD Operation with AJAX
  • Object Oriented PHP
  • • Object oriented concepts
  • • Classes, objects and operations
  • • Class attributes
  • • Access Modifier
  • • Constructor & Destructor Inheritance
  • • Static method
  • • Type Hinting
  • • Object Cloning
  • • Abstract class
  • • Final keyword Inheritance
  • • Implementing interface
  • • Magic methods in PHP
  • Advance PHP Techniques
  • • Implementing Captcha
  • • PDF Generation
  • • Excel or CSV Generation Email with PHP
  • • Implementing Pagination
  • • SQL Injection
  • • Web Services with JSON
  • • Payment Gateway Integration
  • • Error tracking and debugging
  • • Exception Handling
  • Developing a dynamic web application
    CMS Introduction
    Getting Started with Wordpress
  • • Installation
  • • Setup Your Profile
  • • Wordpress Structure
  • Creating Content with Wordpress
  • • Wordpress Posts Vs. Pages
  • • Categories Vs. Tags
  • • Media Manager
  • • Create Custom Menus
  • • Customizing Your Wordpres Site
  • • How to Use Themes Customize theme
  • • How to use Plugins and Widgets
  • • Using Wordpress Screen Options
  • • Managing Wordpress Comments
  • Wordpress Site Management
  • • Upgrading Wordpress
  • • Move Web Content with Wordpress
  • • Import and Export
  • • Managing User Roles
  • • Wordpress Security Briefing
  • Wordpress Setting
  • • WordPress General Settings
  • • WordPress Writing Settings
  • • WordPress Reading Settings
  • • WordPress Discussion Settings
  • • WordPress Media Settings
  • • How to Use WordPress Permalinks
  • Theme Customization
  • • How to customize a theme
  • • What is a Child Theme and How to Create and Use it
  • • How to create Custom page, category templates
  • Wordpress Plugins
  • • How to install a plugin
  • • How to modify the plugin
  • • How to develop a simple plugin
  • • How to Connect your plugin with database
  • • Implementing Woo-Commerce
  • • Creating a E-commerce Web Application.
  • • Host Your Wordpress Website
  • CodeIgniter
  • • Introduction to CodeIgniter
  • • Why Framework
  • • Introduction to MVC
  • • Folder Structure
  • • Configuration Setting
  • • Routing
  • • Controllers
  • • Introduction Of Controller
  • • CI_ Controller, Request Parameters, Actions
  • • Controller Methods & Attributes
  • • Creating Core Controller Class
  • Views
  • • Creating Views
  • • Layouts (Use Image, CSS, Bootstrap, JS)
  • • Calling in controller
  • • Helpers (FormHelper , HTML Helpers) in Views
  • Models
  • • Creating Model
  • • How to Load in controller
  • • Calling in Controller
  • • Apply The Business logic
  • • Creating Core Model Class
  • Helpers
  • • Introduction
  • • How to load Helper
  • • Apply To Controller and Views Creating Own Helper
  • • How to override other Helper
  • Libraries
  • • Introduction
  • • How to load Library
  • • Apply to Controller and Model
  • • Creating Own Library
  • • How to override other Libraries
  • Database
  • • Introduction
  • • How to Configure DATABASE
  • • Active Records and Query Builder
  • • CRUDS operation (Create Insert Update Delete and Search)
  • • Form Validation , Session , Pagination , Uploading
  • • Autoload Configuration Setting
  • • How to Remove index.php in URL
  • • Security Features
  • • Project Implementation in CodeIgniter
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    Digital Marketing Training Course

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    Why Choose Digital Marketing As a Career?

    Digital Marketing is one of the world’s fastest-growing disciplines. Whether it’s a small website or a big online marketplace, SEO can help boost traffic, visibility, and conversion. According to Upgrade, Google receives 60,000 searches every second. This represents a plethora of business opportunities. Whether you are a technical or creative person, learning digital marketing will allow you to establish a lucrative career.

    How Can Digital Marketing Training Help You?

    Over the years, the complexity and the demand for digital marketing roles have increased. This is a broad career field with many sectors available. Hands-on digital marketing classes will help you explore your interest areas and introduce you to various disciplines to kickstart your career. A personalized digital marketing training is critical to acquire the essential skills needed to promote several products and services on the web.

    Why Choose Digital Marketing Course at Veminent?

    If you want to learn digital marketing, it is best to choose a reputable name in the industry. Veminent is the #1 digital marketing training institute, offering courses with basic to advanced levels through working on live sites and implementing practicals on SEO, SEM, SMM, Google AdWords, and many more tools. We have a team of experienced Google Certified Professionals to guide you. In addition to this, we also offer a digital marketing course online.

    Here’s How Our Digital Marketing Course Can Benefit You:
    • Our course is designed to help you master the services like organic and inorganic digital strategies, including SEO, SEM, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads and more.
    • We will introduce you to advanced tools like Google Analytics, Webmaster, Keyword Planner and many others.
    • The nature of our digital marketing training is personalized with hands-on sessions from experienced mentors. You will get guidance and assistance from top-notch tutors to learn advanced concepts with ease.
    • You can learn digital marketing with live project implementation to attract the attention of potential employers.
    • We offer flexible digital marketing classes. You can enrol in classroom or online classes at your convenience for the best experience.
    • At the end of the course, you will be given 9+ International Certifications by Google and Hubspot. Besides this, you will also get placement assistance to secure your dream job.

    Web Design Training Course

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    Are you seeking a career as a Web Designer?

    Veminent Technologies provides comprehensive training in UI/ UX, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery and other tools and techniques generally not covered by other professional web designing training institutes. If you want to become a successful web designer, we can help! You can learn HTML and CSS by enrolling in our web design classes and convert a normal static website to a top-notch website. Our web design course is curated to teach the essentials of the subject in an easy-to-understand manner.

    Why Learn Website Design with Veminent Technologies?

    Companies are looking for qualified web designers who can create responsive websites by using the latest tools and technologies. Learning web design with our tutors will allow you to develop a professional portfolio that will help demonstrate your skills as a web designer. With hands-on training from industry experts and live projects, our website design course will provide you with the in-demand skills needed to create and implement a responsive website.

    Benefits of Learning Web Design with Us

    As the best web designing training institute, Veminent Technologies has successfully trained over 100,000 students, helping them become successful professionals. You can attend a Risk-Free Demo and experience the difference. By the end of our web design training, you will be able to drive your career forward with an industry-recognized certification. We also provide placement assistance as part of our web design Classes to help you land your dream job with a leading company.

    HR Services of VEminent

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    Training & Development

    Training and Development officers play an important role in their company’s HR Department. Being a leading Human Resource organization in India, we deliver high-quality learning and training solutions to corporations and professionals. Our features courses for IT, Consumer Services, HR, Finance, Education and operations is to give our client a finite edge. VEminent HR delivered their training program with cutting-edge technologies and methodology that equips with right skills, knowledge, and their career goals. Training & Development of VEminent HR services aimed at bettering the job performance of individuals and organization settings. We analyze your business requirements and customize your training interventions that suited to your unique needs.

    Benefits of VEminent Training & Development Services

    • Increased Productivity
    • Less Supervision
    • Job Satisfaction
    • Skill Development

    Our corporate training programs enable your business to a higher level and contribute more to your company bottom line. We always help you to assets your human resources. Our Training and development services in Noida will help you to generate higher revenues, experience a high level of management, motivation and job satisfaction, perform better under stress and much more.

    HR Generalist Training Course

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    Become a Certified HR Generalist and gain expertise in Talent Acquisition, Payroll, Statutory Compliances, Strategic Human Resource Management, and more
    Why HR Generalist Course?
    • The Arena of Human Resource Management has a huge void of Jobs
    • HR Department is the most essential in all businesses
    • The Growth Rate in HR Jobs is high with promising Career growth