Privacy & Policy

We do not share our customer’s data with others. The information that they submitted to us is only used to generate your account for further uses.

In case you use our "Contact Us" form and provide your email address, we use it only to reply/respond to the request as per your requirement.

We are offering a web-based service, thus there is not any issue related to security or privacy while installing service on your device. Anyone can simply browse to access our service.

Like other sites, we also use data collected from our customers and contain it into the server log file. It tells us the performance of the page visited by our visitors, time to stay, etc. Doing it, we do not correlate entered information that is not available for use as per our website statistics.

Using contact details, we use it to contact/call you to provide you information about the updation of site and special offers by company. We make you sure that we’ll not lose your contact details like email, phone number, etc. to outside parties.

Our users or customers are free to disable cookies with the help of browser settings. However, you may anytime update such settings on the website by login to any of the saved projects. If you want to enable such functions, simply accept cookies for the VEminent website (